Friday, November 13, 2009

In Harry Potter OotP Petunia received the Howler. Was that ever clarified?

It says something along the lines of "Remember my last, Petunia." And it never says exactly who sent it. I can't recall them clearing this up in HBP, and I don't remember much from OotP, I'm rereading it now and just came across this line.

Who was it from? What did it mean? How much about the Wizarding community is she attune to?

If you'd like to speculate, or confirm for me that would be good. Or if you have any links to sites that address this particular Aunt Petunia topic.

If you think it's going to be in the 7th book don't say anything. I'd appreciate it if nothing about that book is said here.

((Recent information. I found one pretty interesting thing, but it was from a few years ago.))

In Harry Potter OotP Petunia received the Howler. Was that ever clarified?
RAB is Regulus Black. Dept. of Mysteries isn't that important to the novel really. And yes, Hagrid does live on. He's around 19 years later when the epilogue finishes.

Here are the legit spoilers... I'll try to be a bit vague.

1. The final battle takes places in The Great Hall of Hogwarts. What you see on the US book cover is that scene. The orange sky is the magical ceiling of the Great Hall, and the shadows behind Voldy and HP are the people watching the duel.

2. One of the Weasleys gets murdered. Another one is maimed.

3. The Deathly Hallows refer to three magical objects. Two of which, we have seen greatly in the previous novels. I'll name one... Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Now you know why JKR always made a hint that there was something very unique about it.

4. Harry and Herimone visit Godric's Hollow at Christmas time.

5. Yes, Sirius Black is officially dead. He did not survive the Veil. He is not in another dimension. He is gone, yet you will see him again briefly.

6. Kreacher is relevant to one of the Horcrux's. He loved and admired his master Regulus Black.

7. The book open's up with Voldermort and his Deatheaters camping out at the Malfoy manor house.

8. Hedwig is killed by a Deatheater when Harry is trying to flee Privet Drive.

9. Dudley, before fleeing for safety and protection, thanks Harry for saving him from the Dementors in book 5.

10. Snape knew Aunt Petunia when they were very young. You could say, he is the reason she has a great dislike and fear for magic.

11. Dumbledore has many dark family skeleton's in the proverbial closet. He also has many regrets. He also lied when asked what he saw when looking into the Mirror of Erised.

12. Voldermort has learned to fly by his own power.

13. Snape's patronous indicates whether he is good or bad to the reader and what his true reason for his actions are...
Reply:I'm not really sure, but I that was never really mentioned. I think that still remains a mystery. And yes, I have read that part of the book before.
Reply:OMG peapatchisland your everywhere!!!

the howler is from Dumbledore who reminds petunia harry has to be able to stay at her house because he is safe there because of the bond Lily made. Voldermort cant reach him there.
Reply:it says in ootp that dumbledore sent it
Reply:it was du,bledore he tells him when there in his office at the end of the 5th
Reply:NOT A SPOILER, I swear. I think spoilers are evil. This was in Book 5.

Dumbledore sent the howler (page 836 U.S. edition).
Reply:the howler was from dumbledore. when they state "remember my last, petunia." it meant the last letter he wrote to her, that said that she had accepted to take care of harry because only the blood relation would be able to protect harry.
Reply:well no it has never been...but soon to be when the next book comes out. so yeah. you and me both have been wanting this answered.
Reply:It was from Dumbledoor.

Dumbledoor made Aunt Petunia promise to let harry live there for harry's own protection, because Aunt Petunia had his mother's blood, which created a "shelter" and as long as he called that place home, it would keep him safe. This ends when he comes of age at 17.

When Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were about to kick him out, that was when Dumbledoor sent the Howler.
Reply:This never happened in the Order movie. They left this out along with many other things. (Note, light book 5/4 Harry Potter spoiler below)

They also left of S.P.E.W, most of Kreacher's scavenger and lots of Grimald place stuff. Sirius was a lesser character at the begining as well.

Who was it from?


What did it mean?

It meant that Dumbly and harry's mother had put magic on harry to help him. In short, because lily died to save harry, if he lived in a blood realtives place he could call home, then he could not be touched there by you-know-who.

How much about the Wizarding community is she attune to?

She doesn't know the current times, but knows that askaban is bad, deamontors are also horrifying and all about You-know-who

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