Friday, May 21, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a difference between petunias and supertunias?

Petunias are generally a "seed annual", meaning if they are not deadheaded they will produce seeds and stop flowering, also they usually grow in and upright but mounding pattern. Supertunia is a brand name, but a very good plant still the same, you don't have to deadhead it for it to continue to flower and it has a trailing growth habit, it's very good for hangers and window boxes. "Wave" petunias are a brand name as well and are very similar in their growth habits- just another brand.

Does anyone know if there is a difference between petunias and supertunias?
Oh YES! I just got some Supertunias before Easter and they are stunning, and so carefree. I don't know what climate you are in, but here in Houston it's hot and humid for a long time. Regular petunias don't tolerate either heat or humidity very well, but the Supertunias are doing fantastic and my next door neighbor's regular petunias are dying out by the day. In my opinion, supertunias and "wave" petunias are well worth the premium price, because they spread over a large area very quickly. My plants have grown at least an inch a day. You don't have to deadhead Supertunias, but I do anyway and I think it makes the blooms more profuse. Happy gardening!

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