Friday, May 21, 2010

Evil scientist redecorating problems?

Double damn! I asked about personal fashion with my last question, but someone just told me they do a home make-over, too. I just found out that idiot mad scientist Farnsworth signed me up for the “Queer Eye” guys. Now I'm in trouble. True, I may be moving to another secret lair soon, but I'm going to have to watch these guys like a hawk. Satan only knows how they will decide to redecorate; what color they will decide to paint the weather-control machine and if the command center will look good with sprigs of petunias.

Just like last time, I'm going to have to set boundaries. If they televise this debacle, then I don't want to become a laughing stock for having the only solar heat-ray that's got flowers stenciled all over it. How can I best do this? What can I say to them that will help them improve the image of my lair and not make me look bad if this shows up on cable?

Evil scientist redecorating problems?
Sounds like you are up a creek without a villianous paddle!

Stay away from trendy underworld stencils. They are so overdone on weapons of mass destruction and the like. I've seen Farnsworth's lab and they are everywhere!

I think you should consider a highly-stylized bio-hazard symbol, and adopt that as your overall theme.

You could applique/decoupage it on your bunson burner table, your mousepad, maybe even a bold mosaic tile mandala in the middle of your la-BOR-atory, if your buget permits.

It is a dastardly dilemma! Best of luck on your quest for sinister chic.
Reply:You can never go wrong with monochrome. You'd be amazed at how far greys, black and white go. It still maintains that cold, diabolical look, while adding an air of elegance and formality.

You need to decide on a style. Do you want to Art Nuevo? Do you want to do something more modern? Just try to stick with a look. Superheroes can be really critical of your decor. They will mock you. It will be upsetting.

Try to stay away from the whole dungeon look. It's been played out and always feels unoriginal.

Don't let the decorators push you into any colors that sound like "dusty rose, chartreuse or mauve." Stick to your death ray, no lace curtains!

dress shoes

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