Saturday, November 14, 2009

Does anyone know how to properly care for hanging petunias?

My brother thinks they need to be watered 2x daily, until water comes out of the bottom. Is this so?

Does anyone know how to properly care for hanging petunias?
The ONLY reason to water twice a day is if it's 110 degrees and they are very dry OR they have not been watered in a long time and the dirt is so dry it's shrunk up and pulled away from the sides of the basket.

If they have not been watered in a long time you should water them really good then let the basket sit for 30 minutes or so to allow the dirt/soil to absorb the water before making another pass.
Reply:make sure you pull all the old blooms off, Don't water everyday, every other day is plenty, make sure you put some kind of fertilizer in it, miracle grow is the best, and cut it back if it starts to look weak, or if it stops blooming
Reply:Water only when needed. Do feel the soil to determine need. Fertilze w/ Miracle Grow. Petunias need a good cutting back this time of year. Cut back by at least half. Watch for signs of insect infestation. Treat accordingly should you notice any insects. DO NOT WATER TWICE A DAY.
Reply:Full sun. Water them once daily. You can water them until it comes out the bottom, as long as you have good drainage. If any water stays in the pot, it will drown the roots.
Reply:Petunia's should only be watered once a day if it's severly dry out. I water mine every other day unless it rains and then I do every other day from the time that it rains. Potted petunias should be watered the same as ones that are grown in grown.

Petunias get leggy in the middle of summer. Cut back the stems to 6 inches and give the plants extra water and fertilizer (Miracle Gro attached to the hose) Within a few weeks they'll be blooming again.

Petunias are also particularly susceptible to the tobacco mosaic virus. If you smoke, make sure to do so away from the plants, and always wash smoke or tobacco residue from your hands before touching petunias.

Dead heading petunias will insure continous blooms through out the summer. (Pulling the dead flowers off before they go to seed)

If it looks like rain then shield your petunias. Even the sturdiest ones can be flattened by a downpour or a powerful squirt from the hose.

Hope these hints help!
Reply:Water plants when they need it. Stick your finger in the soil to check it if is wet or dry. Deadhead blossoms for better flowers.
Reply:You have gotten plenty of great answers but there is something you should know. Hanging baskets or any kind of container plant will run water out the bottom without evern getting the roots wet. This is because the soil seperates from the side of the pot, causing air pockets all around the sides. When you water, it just runs down the sides and out the bottom. You need to press down the soil around the sides of the container at least every two weeks to be sure this does not happen. Many people see water running out of the container and think it is well watered, when in fact it is very dry.

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