Saturday, November 14, 2009

How petunia beds are grown and arranged in good looking manner.?

Different flowery beds specially petunia beds are arranged in a remarkable style. suggest and mention different varieties according to colors, size, shape and sunlight.

How petunia beds are grown and arranged in good looking manner.?
most petunias (depending on where you live) are sun-lovers. there are two types: annual petunias and perennial petunias.

the annual ones smell delicious, have a mounding/spreading habit, and usually flower until the first frost. the perennial ones are more sprawling, usually have no scent, and die back in winter but come back in spring.

as for color, the annuals are more easily hybridized and therefore have more color selection; they also come in double-blooming varities. perennials have less of a color selection, but are dependable for color year after year (they're also my favorites because you don't have to replace them every year).

remeber, it all depends on where you live, but that's a general overview. :)
Reply:just use your imagination
Reply:I've seen them planted in very complex patterns. But, to me, patterns just look too busy. I like to see them in big clumps of color about 3 feet across (purple over here, red over there, pink in that corner, etc.). That way, the color is very striking and isn't lost in a big mess of different colors. It's also less stressful to look at.

While they have varying colors (some even red and white striped), there's really only one kind of petunia. They can sprawl a bit. And they take from full sun to semi-shade.

Watch out for pests, though. Snails and slugs LOOOOVE petunias. Use a snail killer (there's an organic product called Sluggo that is not toxic to dogs or other animals). And, use a generic pest spray to control worms from those pesky white butterflies.

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