Sunday, May 16, 2010

Explain each of the colors in terms of which wavelengths of light the flower is absoring?

Imagine walking through a garden of red, white, and blue petunias.

Explain each of the colors in terms of which wavelengths of light the flower is absoring?
Red petunia DEFLECTS red....meaning it absorbs anything but red. Though it absorbs all wavelengths but red, the petunia may also have a preference. This might mean that it does prefer a certain wavelength but still take some on others except on red.(prefers green maybe)

On the case of White petunia, I'm guessing it deflects all wavelength but I doubt that that is true since all plants need light. I'm guessing the white petunia does not have a preference and absorbs all wavelengths in equal amounts to other wavelengths.

Blue petunia is pretty much the same as red ones except it deflects the blue wavelengths.

700nm 650 nm 600 nm 550 nm 500 nm 450 nm 380 nm

These plants use light in the 350 and 600 nm range. White is all the wavelengths between 700 and 380.

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