Sunday, May 16, 2010

Should i pick off the dead heads from my flowers?

i have petunias and i always picked them off but now somebody told me not to do that. should i pick the old blossems off or not?

Should i pick off the dead heads from my flowers?
The main reason to deadhead is to make the plant flower again. Plants will continue to flower if the flowers are removed before they create seeds.

If you choose not to deadhead, the plant will produce few new flowers. This is because the energy is being diverted into making seeds. The goal of a plant is to reproduce and if the flowers are removed, it has to start over and produce more flowers.
Reply:Yes, you should. This insures that your plants will come back healthier next season. It's very important.
Reply:I have always been told that pick off the deadheads to promote other blooms.
Reply:If you want seeds, leave them on. If you want more flowers, take them off.
Reply:I would agree with you, I do on my flowers and they always grow back. My mother is an awesome gardener and she is the one that told me to do so. Good luck
Reply:DONT PICK THEM OFF!!! Cut them at an angle and they will grow back( but dont cut low, try cutting at the top
Reply:Not only do I pick them off to send the 'energy' into making other blooms but after my petunia gets 'gangly' I shear 1/3 of the plant off. Actually I pick about 1/3 throughout the plant. Those 'branches' look healthier and start blooming again. I planted or buried the pieces I cut off somewhere else and they continue to grow!
Reply:Yes, you pick the old blossoms off to promote new growth.
Reply:yes on certain flowers like petunias, geraniums etc you need to dead-head them. However I bought a new variety of petunias that had on the label"no need to deadhead"
Reply:If you don't head, seeds will form and the plant will think its job is done and slow down or stop blooming. It also helps to pinch petunias back for a fuller plant (less scraggly).
Reply:yes. it'll speed up the regrowing process and your flowes will look prettier overall
Reply:The plant only has a certain amount of energy to use. If the buds are still attached, then the plant will continue growing seeds and trying to reproduce. If we snip the blooms, then the plant starts over trying to propagate, and makes more flowers!
Reply:flowering plants should always be deadheaded-this will put more energy into producing more blooms
Reply:do it picking off the dead makes it healther
Reply:It depends on the plant, some plants will give a seccond flush when they are dead-headed others won't so yeah it might be a good idea seeing as they are already gone over anyway.
Reply:Well, if your method of picking off the dead heads has worked for you this whole time, you should definitely continue to do it. Don't bother with what that other person told you.

However, if your method wasn't working, maybe this other person was giving you good advice.
Reply:in the wild ( not like they live in the wild) there would be noone to groom them. it doesnt help. It makes them look better to you.

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