Sunday, May 16, 2010

Should I bring my flowers inside tonight?

I have a few hanging baskets with flowers, mainly petunias. It will be getting down to 40 degrees tonight. Is that too cold to leave them outside? This is my first year taking care of my own flowers, and I'm not quite sure how best to take care of them.

Should I bring my flowers inside tonight?
I would bring them in just to be sure. They are not too cheap to replace.

Better to be safe than sorry.........right?
Reply:You can take them it or set them against the side of the house to be safe but 40 degrees is not going to hurt them, it would have to get below 35 or so with frost to hurt them.
Reply:Aww... Are they still little yet? I love flowers! LOL.. Anyway. I would, you don't want the poor things dieing, and since it's your first year and normally bad things don't happen when you take percaution, so I would take them in.
Reply:I don't think you have to worry about them unless it gets down into the 30's. But just to be safe I would bring them in since they are in a hanging pot.
Reply:40 degrees won't hurt them, I leave mine out
Reply:no they will be allright

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