Sunday, May 16, 2010

What soil will both these plants tolerate? UK?

I have recently bought two trellis planters. I want to plant a summer flowering jasmine in one together with summer bedding such as lobelia and petunia. I also bought a leptospermum which I have been told likes ericaceous. Should I stick the whole lot in ericaceous? or mix ericaceous and normal compost?

What soil will both these plants tolerate? UK?
I am familiar with the term "ericaceous" only in reference to plants such as heather, heath, pieris, rhododendrons, etc. It must be a term used on the other side of the pond.

I suspect, since this group of plants generally prefers some sort of acidic soil, I assume that is what that soil mix caters to. I believe jasmine is also an acidophile, so you're fine there. I doubt the petunia cares.

If it were me, I would go with "stick the whole lot in ericaceous."
Reply:all the plants that you have loves loam soil and do not mixs the plants one plant may suck the life of the other and don't put too much of the one plant in a pot
Reply:Plant them all in lime-free compost. The Leptospermum dislikes lime.

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