Sunday, May 16, 2010

Help on Petunia Research?

monocot or dicot?

angiosperm or gymnosperm?

species name?

mature plant size?

geographic orgin?

growing requirements?

taproot or fibrous root?

compound or simple leaves?

perfect or imperfect flower?

i'd appreciate the help. I have to do some research on petunias...these are the only questions i couldn't figure out with research.

Help on Petunia Research?
try this link.
Reply:The garden plants are hybrids between species so they are Petunia x hybrida.

The parent species of our hybrids include;

Petunia axillaris ( night fragrant for moth pollination)

Petunia integrifolia

P. violacea

Petunia ascillaris hybrids include the Supertunia and Surfinia Series plants

"In the genus Petunia, pollination partnerships vary. P. axillaris attracts hawkmoths but P. integrifolia attracts bees as pollinators. The species specialize with profound differences in floral morphology, fragrance, petal color, and nectar. Morphology changes include nectary volume,

concentration and composition of the secreted nectar. Fragrance differences are in both timing and

emission levels of volatile phenylpropanoids.

The basic form of a petunia is 5 fused petals that make up the tubular corolla with 1 pistil and 5 stamens inside making it a bisexual flower. The leaves are simple and entire. Dicot flowers like this show petals in groups of 5 or 4 or multiple of these. (Monocots show 3 or multiples of three.)

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