Sunday, May 16, 2010

Who is it in Harry Potter Book 7 that use's magic that has never used it before?

I remember seeing something about this, and how everyone said it would be Petunia or Dudley, I read the book, and everyone who used magic was expected to use it. Who is the newbie? I'm reading it a second time to see if it helps.

Who is it in Harry Potter Book 7 that use's magic that has never used it before?
...maybe it was Lily, since I don't think she'd been shown using it before? I'm not sure. I hadn't heard anything about it 'till now....
Reply:I think that's it's Dudley, but not in the literal sense. He discovers that not all magic is bad, because Harry had saved his life.
Reply:yeah, i was wondering that too, i think it is Ted Tonks. When harry first arrives to their place Ted tells harry he fixed his tooth, ribs, and arm (p. 64) And in the 5th book when harry and sirius are discussing sirius' family tree Sirius tells harry that andromeda(mrs. tonks) was burned off b/c she married a muggle, ted tonks. I dunno, thats all i could think of, b/ci was wondering that too.
Reply:You're not the only one who's baffled about that one. I think it must have been cut from the book. The closest thing I've found to it was someone suggesting Filch during the battle sequence, though he's not shown doing any magic so if he did perform some, it didn't end up in the final printing. And the first responder gave an interesting theory, but JK Rowling said that the person was not Petunia or Dudley, so I would assume it wasn't meant in that sense.

Edit in response to another poster: Ted Tonks was a Muggle-born, not a Muggle, although I had thought that too until the last time I reread the fifth book. He also says in this one that he is Muggle-born and therefore being hunted, so clearly he is magic and has known this the majority of his life.
Reply:I have no idea, I just finished it myself and I don't recall anyone.
Reply:Crabbe and Goyle? Without sitting here for hours, I can't remember anybody else.
Reply:You know, I was keeping an eye out for that too and, unfortunately, I was left unsatisfied.

Some have suggested Dudley with the "magic" of love, but to them I say one word: lame!
Reply:no one... oh unless you count little teddy with his ever changing hair colour... i liked the bit when he turned it turquoise lol xx
Reply:i know the answer, it is dudley. after beening dometed in book 5 he gets magic powers. ( i think he will turn out to be evil and be like a new "he-who-should-not-be-named, but we will never no, no more books)
Reply:ron using parseltounge (sp?)

flip flop

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