Sunday, May 16, 2010

Any theories for harry potter and the deathly hallows?

This Is My Theory:

Hogwarts won't reopen for a year.Draco is in hiding,he fears guess as said the phropechy is voldemort dies but harry and neville won't. neville will have a big role. harry is a horcrux.harry will suffer from some damage after everything.dumbeldore is dead but harry will communicate with his portrait.sirius will get in the picture again.the locked room i think can only be accessed with your mind.harry and ginny will get back together.ginny shows more of her powers. snape isn't good nor bad he sticks with whom he thinks will win.dudley or filch will get/show their abilities late.the MOM will die,dolores umbridge will be a temporarily MOM,she will try to make a deal with voldemort but he will take the MOM under him. lupin will die and maybe even snape or tonks.i think the horcruxes are:the diary,the ring,the locket,helga's cup,rowena's tiara,harry and voldemort.petunia hides something.we will see more of aberforth.

So what do you think? Any theories?

Any theories for harry potter and the deathly hallows?
I have some theories!

Harry, Ron, and Hermione will live. Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hagrid, Lupin, and Molly Weasley will die.

Hogwarts will reopen, but Harry won't go back to school. Also, Draco will be redeemed and help Harry.

I disagree with you, WE WILL DEFINITELY KNOW IF SNAPE IS GOOD OR BAD. He HAS to take a side. Snape is good and we will learn that Snape loved Lily and Lily loved him, but only for a time. When Lily began to love James instead, Snape became a very bitter person but still loved Lily. When he revealed the prophecy to Voldemort, and he told Snape that he was going to kill the Potters, Snape regretted his decision to become a Death Eater.

Snape, therefore, is now a very bitter person who is full of regret. He sees Lily in Harry Potter's eyes because "he has his mother's eyes" and that's why he dislikes Harry so much...because he sees Lily in someone who looks like JAMES. (I know that sounds weird, but I don't know how to say it otherwise). Yet, while he dislikes Harry, he will save Harry to honor his undying love for Lily. Snape will live, but Harry has to learn to trust and love Snape as a person who is trying to fix his mistakes.

Dumbledore had a wife, J.K. Rowling said that we would learn more about his family. Maybe a dark wizard killed her, and that caused him to work hard and fight evil.

Horcruxes require a sacrifice in order to be made, BUT THEY ALSO REQUIRE A SACRIFICE TO BE DESTROYED. This is not originally my idea, but I think it is pretty sound.

Is it possible that "the person who manages to do magic late in his life" is Aberforth Dumbledore? We don't know much about him, but maybe he's been a Squibb his entire life.

J.K. Rowling said that Wormtail's silver hand would NOT be used to kill Lupin. But she never denied the possibility that his silver hand will kill Fenrir Greyback. I think that is what will happen. Some major character is going to be backed into a corner with Greyback, and Wormtail will sacrifice his life as he uses the silver hand.

Neville will clear up all existing loose-ends about the Lestrange-Longbottom subplot.

We will see the Mirror of Erised again. We will see the Department of Mysteries again.

Where do you get the idea that the Ministry of Magic is going to collapse and that Dolores Umbridge will take over?

J.K. Rowling said that Petunia is not the one who does magic late in life, although it's a good guess.

For clarification, I wasn't addressing you in some of the things I wrote but rather I was talking about things other posters said. And I didn't know that you were talking about the Minister of Magic, I was thinking you meant the Ministry of Magic.

The dementors go after Harry because they're evil! Remember when Dumbledore told Fudge that he should have replaced dementors as guards of Azkaban ages ago? He said so because he understood that they really are on Voldemort's side. We finally see them switch sides in one of the books.
Reply:I'm sure you're right !

( And , anyway , does it really matter if you aren't ? it's the book that matters , %26amp; the Author's will that is important . )
Reply:All I know is Harry will die hands down. There's no way he won't. Its the last book she can kill him if she wants too. I think that there is a chance that Harry and Voldemort could both die. I think that some of the more minor characters will have a more major role. I also think the hagrid won't make it till the end a probably if I had to say Ginny Weasley won't either. Thats just my quess. I don't know but I can't wait to find out.
Reply:Harry Potter comes out the closet and ends up working as a male lap dancer in a gay bar waving his magic wand around.
Reply:Harry will fall in love with a horse and then blind him with his wand when the horse cheats on him with Firenze. Dumblydore will return from the dead as Gandalf the white. Did anyone notice that none of the characters that are supposed to be pretty are played by pretty actresses? Cho, ginny, fleur, none are good looking in the movies.
Reply:I think that R.A.B. is Regulus Black. Sirius said that he was killed by Voldemort or a Death Eater, and R.A.B. says in the note that he will probably be dead. In the 5th book, while Harry and co. are cleaning it mentions a heavy locket that no one could open. The Horcrux. Later, in Hogsmede, Harry confronts Mundungus because he is stealing things from no. 12. Mundungus could have sold the horcrux to somebody (maybe a death eater who knows about the horcruxes?).I think Dudley will end up having some sort of magical abilities because in the 6th book Dumbledore tells the Dursley's that they had wronged Dudley. It is possible that he had gotten a letter inviting him to Hogwarts, but his parents didn't tell him because of their deep-running hatred of magic. I think Harry is a horcrux, resulting from the death of his parents. That would also explain why he didn't die as a baby. Voldemort wouldn't have had his heart in the killing spell. Since Harry is a horcrux, he would have to kill himself to kill Voldemort, so he would kill himself, leaving Neville to kill Voldemort. Now that I think about it, Neville could be the one who shows his abilities late, instead of Dudley.
Reply:harry may/may not die.

hermione lives

ron may die

if ron dies,harry%26amp;hermione will haf a r'ship.

if harry dies,hermione may quit d wizard world 4 good or she'll haf a r'ship w. ron/3rd party.

hermione will kill bellatrix,no one else can or will.

harry will kill voldie.

all evil beings will die or be caught.
Reply:I think the school will reopen. Afterall, that would make sense because it is the seventh book and the seventh year of school. Plus, Dumbledore would want it that way. Opening the school would also make visiting with the portrait more likely. I think there will be a lot that happens before he goes to school though. I think he will have to stay at the Dursleys, but we will learn more about Petunia and her previous comments. I also think that he will go to Godric's Hallow in the summer. I didn't think that Harry was a horcrux, but now I am giving that concept some consideration. Maybe, if he is, the scar would allow an escape or something. But I am still not entirely convinced. In the first book Dumbledore does comment that scars have a funny way of being useful later in life.

I think Sirius is not dead, per se. I am almost positive he will play a part in this book from Rowling's interviews. I agree that Neville will have a bigger role, but I think there is something up with his parents. His memory reminds me of Bertha Jorkins. I want to know why he keeps his mother's papers. I want to know why the nurse didn't know a deadly plant when she saw one, and I want to know why Malfoy was donating so much to the hospital. I think I will have my answers in this book. I also think that the Weasleys may be descendents of the Hufflepuffs and Neville Ravenclaw. If not, I think we will find out who is. Harry is Gryffindor's descendant. I think that the fountain is a real life scene in book 7. We already know a house elf that would look at Harry that way, or even Ron. We also know a centaur that would stand behind Harry too.

But generally I agree with most of what you have to say, except about Umbridge. I do think we will see her again though.
Reply:RAB= regulus black? Unless they plan on introducing a new character... i like enn's theory below too, though

Harry... can't decide if he's a horcrux.. but the locket definitely is one... Kreacher's probably been hiding it.

haha wonder what'll be the love interest of this book...
Reply:I think that Snape is going to die. I was so sure he was evil but I kept reading everyones theories and now Im not sure. No I do think he is evil. Lol.

Draco is in trouble I feel kind of bad for him I think that Harry will start to feel bad for him also. In HBP Harry thought to himself that he wouldnt forget how Draco lowered his wand some (before the death eaters came barging in).

I think that Voldemort is going to die and Harry is going to live.

I have heard a theory about what Dumbledore was drinking at the end of HBP I think that it was bad memories maybe. Kind of like a dementor.

I think that Ron and Hermione will end up together. As long as they both survive because I am kind of worried about Hermione. In an interview (cant remeber which one sorry) JKR said that shes surprised more people arent worried about Hermione and that she sees Hermione as a very vulnerable character. I can see what she means too. Hermione is Muggleborn and she is one of Harrys best friends. Two great reasons Voldemort would want to kill her.

Harry and Ginny will get back together. lol if they both live. I think they will though. Ginny is a tough girl and she is very smart I like her alot.

I think that all of Rons family will be ok. I think it would be cool if a whole big family like that survives and I could see her doing that. If someone from the family dies though I hope its Percy. Hes an Idiot!

I hope that Lupin doesnt die. I want him and Tonks to be happy.

I think that Harry repairs the two way mirror he smashed and tries to talk to Sirius. I dont know if I think it will work.

Maybe Harry can talk to Sirius' Memory or imprint he left on earth. Kind of like the paintings. Sirius is dead though. He is not coming back like alot of people want to think.

I think the horcruxes are:

The diary,

we know is destroyed

The ring,


The locket,

I dont think its Destroyed either Kreacher took it and hid it or maybe Aberforth has it?

Helga's cup,

Ive been thinking but Im not sure where this could be.

Rowena's tiara,

Now this could quite possibly be the Tiara that Harry saw in the room of requirements as Hagrid said "aint no better place to keep something at than Gringotts, Execpt maybe Hogwarts" so maybe Voldemort hid it in there.

Or maybe it is the Tiara that Rons Mom was talking about in the HBP. The one she said that Fleur could wear at her wedding.


I dont know how to spell that sorry. Lol but the snake is quite possibly one like Dumbledore said but I dont know I dont think its Likely.

Then theres the final piece inside Voldemort.

I hope that Neville gets revenge on Bellatrix Lestrange nothing would make me happier than to see him get her. I also would love if Nevilles parents were ok. Maybe St. Mungos has some deatheaters working there and the deatheaters and keeping Nevilles parents sick that would be great if they came back but I doubt it.

Oh well thats all for now

Cant wait!!!

Reply:Wormtail will save Harry's life at some point.

Dumbledore says so in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Here is some rumours and spoilers from the PRESS and friends of J.K.R about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

might help you..
Reply:Actually, I like your theories.

Add that Hermione and Ron will kick butt. Neville's parents will be released from the spell they are under and wake up. Dudley will get his butt kicked. Snape will get his just rewards, too.

RAB= R. Amelia Bones?

We shall see what we shall see.
Reply:I sincerely hope Snape will die.

He is the most evil thing in the world!

I think there will be something about Harry discovering something about his parents' past when he goes to visit Godric's Hollow. I think Hermione and Ron will NOT die, and I think Ginny will go with the three of them to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Ginny and Harry are friendly and love each other under the surface, but to protect their relationship until Voldemort is gone, they act like they don't like each other in public. I don't think Harry will be able to communicate with Dumbledore, and he will be sleeping mostly in his portriat. Lupin and tonks will get married. Bill and fleur will possibly have a kid. nothing of dolores umbrige or dudley or filch. yes, I think petunia shows her powers which causes dudley and uncle vernon to see a different side of magic. Sirius and his brother might somehow speak to harry from the dead about voldemort and his horcruxes. harry isn't a horcrux, but he destorys all of the horcruxes and dies battling the real voldemort.
Reply:My ideas:

Snape is Snape. He is beyond the sort of simplistic categorization as "good" or "evil", IMHO. I do believe he is not as evil as he appeared at the end of HBP. It would take too much space to really go into this in detail, but consider this:

It is well known that Snape played the double-agent prior to the death of Harry's parents, and there is no reason to believe he wasn't still a double agent on the anti-Voldemort side. Why then did he bind himself to the success of Draco's mission and then actually kill Dumbledore?

My answer: Dumbledore knew that destroying Slytherin's ring had fatally wounded him and Snape knew so too. Therefore he allowed himself to be bound to Dumbledore"s death, a death he knew was imminent and against which he knew Dumbeldore had taken precautions to ensure that his death would not derail the anti-Voldemort movement.

Now, on the other hand, if Snape has turned coats; why did he not kill Harry* or disable him and take him helpless to Voldemort? JKR made it clear that Harry is no match for Snape as a wizard (yet). If you look at Snapes "taunts" at Harry and put them into anyone else's mouth, they're very good advice on what Harry needs yet to learn to fight strong adult wizards on anything like equal terms.

My answer is that Dumbledore at some point shortly after Harry was orphaned made Snape take an unbreakable vow to protect Harry. This fits in perfectly with Snape's actions toward Harry in the books thus far. Yes, Snape is a mean SOB to Harry, but that is Snape's personality, and he didn't vow to be nice to Harry after all.

My conclusion is that in Book Seven, Snape will act covertly and eventually overtly to aid Harry, that he will likely live, and that Harry will be just as in the dark over Snape's motivations as when Harry entered Hogwarts. (BTW, the above is why I don't think Harry will die. If I'm right, then Snape dies too if Harry dies, and Snape is the ultimate survivor).

*My reading of the prophecy is that there is no requirement that either has to directly kill the other, just that one no longer lives, so I think Snape certainly could have killed Harry and talked his way out of it afterwards
Reply:Ok, my theories

Wormtail is going to save Harry with his silver hand from Greyback

Ron and Hermione are soooo gonna get it on

If Harry and Ginny live, then they r gonna get back 2gether

Petunia won't do magic but she secretly cares about Harry as a nephew

Harry is not a horcrux. This is because there is just too little time between james and lily dying and him being attacked that not even the greatest DARK wizard of all time could create a horcrux in that time period and i believe its very complicated and alot of spells and enchantments accompany tha actual spell.

Aberforth is not going to have a major role in the seventh book , although we will learn more about him and Dumbledore.

Neville will kick Bellatrix Lestrange's *** (in a magic way of course) WOOOOO!!Go Nevillle! Do it for your dad, your mum and Sirius.

If Harry survives, he will need alot of help dealing with what he has gone through.

The final clash between good and evil wont just be Harry and Voldie, Death Eaters vs The Order Of The Phoenix, Dementors, bad giants, trolls vs House elves, goblins, centaurs who are affected , good giants, Buckbeak, giant squid, merpeople.

Dumbledore will help Harry somehow, i mean he has a network of portraits almost everywhere, this will come in very handy.

Snape...sometimes i'm so sure Snape is an evil SOB, and then i read a theory and i'm like...hold on, wait a minute, this person might have a i'll hold of on the Snape theory cos frankly, trying to figure out Snape is harder than my AP Calculus homework.

Lupin and Tonks and going to get together cos they are a cuuute couple... a werewolf + a metamorphugus = awesome kids!

I've always wanted something to go on between McGonagall and Dumbledore..that not going to happen...but maybe it already did... oh yea i know its gross but Minerva and Albus may have a had a passionate affair...both were in the same house, both taught transfiguration, both are really close...

Sirius is going to communicate with Harry through the mirror..

Ginny will show that she has some serious powers

I fear for Hermione.

I can't wait for that book to come out..!!
Reply:i think that Hogwarts will reopen, because the whole point of the book is harry being a wizard and disovering his inner self as a wizard and get his revenge with voldermort isnt it? and i think everything goes back to i think that harry will actually have the battle with voldermort in hogwarts (chamber of secret, maybe?) or like in the ministr (like from book 5)...i tink harry might be a horcrux and i think that many people will die, like maybe neville and ron...i think if harry is a horcrux he will die, because the'll be the only way he can destroy voldermort...i think harry's relationship with his aunt (and uncle) would mend, and i think that at the end, which ever couple survives ends up marrying with each other or something...and i think RAB is regulus black...

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