Sunday, May 16, 2010

What did you recently do to help the environment or to help make it look better?

Recently, I planted some Petunias in our garden. I also planted Irish Moss. Last month, I went through the streets and picked up trash scattered on the roads and on the sides of the roads. I am soon going to plant some more flowers. I have been spending much time outside lately. Thanks for answering and keep on thinking green!

P.S. Best gets best answer obviously!!

What did you recently do to help the environment or to help make it look better?
I am also planting and adding many trees to our lovely 30 acre corner in this world. We also love fruit and ornamental as well as the shade trees. We plant lots of shrubs and pretty flowers and try to make our front and side yards nice to look at as folks drive by. However, it does bother me that there are some that throw their trash from fast food and beer/pop bottles in our slice of heaven. I hate having to spend so much time picking up the trash from others who are thoughtless.

We also added an additional breezeway and garage all with new siding.Shortly on one side we will be adding a pond. While on my daily walks, usually 4-6 mile of country roads, I also carry a bag to pick up the trash to keep our area looking the way it should.
Reply:I planted 3 new trees in rather "tree-less" areas. I have been picking up litter, sorting more recycables and recycling at school too! I've also pulled up weeds and even have been recycling ink cartridges.

I'm glad another person cares!
Reply:I walk or ride my bike when I can instead of driving my car.
Reply:i recycled some can and stopped wearing fur coats
Reply:Anytime I see garbage on the ground I try to pick it up. I planted flowers in my yard as well as my moms. This weekend my cousins and I are having a plant party and we're planting flowers at our Grandma's house! Should be fun!!!
Reply:Instead of throwing away all my plastic, cans, %26amp; glass I recyle every chance I get. We have recycle conatiners right by our garbage cans in our ally way, so it's easy to do this every time MY container fills up, right to the recyle bins I go! It makes me feel like I am doing something great for the environment every time I do it.
Reply:We just recently moved into a new house, so we have been working on improving the yard! We have trimmed back hedges so that they will come back more full and all that good stuff. I also planted mint in our back yard along the fence row. It makes everything smell good, I can use it for cooking and it is an enviro safe way to keep the mice out of my yard and house (we live behind a store whose warehouse faces the back of our property)! They don't like the smell it puts off. I have also started my dogs on their summer doses of brewer's yeast tabs - another friendly way to keep ticks off of them (it makes their blood taste yucky). I have been battling pesky fireants by dumping used coffee grounds on their beds. I don't know how this works, but it does!
Reply:i recycled cans. I take a bus instead of driving most of the times. and i try my best to use can, cardboard, ect... things that would make me and my son work together like making art, instruments things like that we are recycling an we spend time together having fun and we helping the environment .
Reply:I work with students doing revegitation projects in local National Parks and Monuments. They start by collecting the seeds from in the fall from native grasses and flowers. Then in the spring they start growing them in greenhouses. By mid summer I brought them out where they remove nonnative plants and create a guide of local wildlife they see. In the fall they plant what they have grown all summer.

I think it is a really good idea to get students outside and teach them about the Earth. It also helps beautify our National Parks.
Reply:i just pick up trash whenever possible
Reply:I took the grass out of my back yard entirely and put in weed mat and some bark, five inches of it. I then planted some fruit trees and berries. I now only have to water every two weeks instead of every other day so am saving water and growing food :D. I plant to grow vegetables as well. I also got some bags with which to do my grocery shopping so my choices are not either to pollute the air or chop down a tree with paper bags. I use cloth towels and use vinegar instead of bleach to disinfect them as bleach will also be a poison in the environment. I also mulch everything including the mail I shred.
Reply:change my driving habit . I take a bus or a sub
Reply:We do highway clean up of our adopted two miles twice per year. I have planted some peonies and blueberries this year along with all the other plants I have planted over the last five years. We have two gray water ponds, we use the water to water our lawn, flowers, and plants.
Reply:I moved to the country and planted a garden . I am told the old place looks better now I am gone .
Reply:I use one tank of gas a month. (The fact I telecommute to work makes this easy). For years, I didn't use any gas because I didn't own a car. I'd use BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) or ride-share to get to work, and I walked quite a bit.

Eventually, I'll buy a hybrid (as soon as they offer heated seats)....
Reply:I wore make-up and fixed my hair. It really does make the envirnoment look better.

leather casual sandals

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