Sunday, May 16, 2010

Who reads Harry Potter books? What do you think this theory of mine?

"Aunt Petunia has never performed magic, and never will, but there's more to her than meets the eye..."

After reading this statement, I came up to an idea that Aunt Petunia have some connections with wizards.

I think that Aunt Petunia has ancestors that were wizards and witches. Lily was called a "Mudblood" (sorry for the term) because her and Petunia's parents have no magical abilities. But then, it doesn't mean that they are already Muggles. It is possible that they are Squibs.

I also remembered an article that I have read in the net that Rowling commented that she's being discreet after she stated that there is more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye.

Who reads Harry Potter books? What do you think this theory of mine?
Petunia Evans Dursley, like her sister Lily Evans Potter, could have performed magic IF she believed in it. Unlike Petunia, Lily did believe and was able to perform. Both might have been called "Mudbloods."

In an interview, J.K. Rowling stated that Petunia was not a squib. The quote reads:

"You might have got the impression that there is a little bit more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye, and you will find out what it is. She is not a squib, although that is a very good guess. Oh, I am giving a lot away here. I am being shockingly indiscreet." – JK Rowling

Lily Evans, like Hermione Granger, was born to muggle parents but considered the best witch of her generation. This may have been the cause for Lily Evans to hate witchcraft and suppress any of her own abilities.
Reply:maybe aunt petunia tried to go to hogwarts and follow/copy her sister Lily, and couldn't cut it, or couldn't get in. after that started a long process of hating anything to do w/ her sister OR magic!

maybe petunia had a crush on James!!! and he Rejected her!

maybe lily tried to set up snape and petunia....and he used a love potion and she almost married him until the potion wore off!

this is fun..can't wait til book 7! :)
Reply:don't think so
Reply:True........ watch the movies and u will see that ur right
Reply:It's ok
Reply:I threw that same idea around about a year ago in mugglenet.
Reply:i don;t think petunia is a squib, i don;t think she can perform magic
Reply:I think Richard has answer the question well.
Reply:Possible...I had this theory a few months ago....

JKR never talks about Lily and Petunia's parents. We have no idea that they are full sisters (they could have the same father but have different mothers and still share blood, giving Petunia the ability to keep Harry safe from Voldy.) Say the two have the same father but different mothers...possible, since they look nothing alike. Say that the father was a muggle. Petunia's mother was probably a mother and Lily's was either a witch or a Squib. I think that Lily and Petunia got into some sort of spat when they were younger, and that Petunia was always jealous of Lily because of her ability to perform magic and that's where the hostility to Lily and James comes from.
Reply:Yea That was already know... But thanks.,.
Reply:Plus Harry and Neville Longbottom are born on the same day. Something will come from that
Reply:we already knew that because of the deal she made with dumbledore.
Reply:What difference would it make if Lily and Petunia's parents were Squibs? She isn't a witch or she'd have done magic (all the first years have stories of uncontrolled magic before their invites to Hogwarts) and JKR said she isn't a Squib. I think that Petunia is just a Muggle that has more knowledge of the Wizarding World than she has let on. Not really a surprise, since she has acknowledged that she is aware of dementors, Azkaban, Hogwarts, etc. I think the thing about Petunia is going to be that she actually cares about Harry much more than she's let on. She's already taken an enormous risk letting him grow up in her home, knowing that her sister and brother-in-law were murdered. She's made it clear how she felt about his parents, and she still took him in, even though she assumed he would be a wizard. Why would she do that if she hates magic? Love is the theme of the books. I think it is behind the mystery of Petunia too.

By the way, Mudblood doesn't apply to Squibs, only those witches or wizards that are born to Muggles. The quote is: Mudblood means "dirty blood". It is a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born. (Purebloods can have Squibs, and they wouldn't "dirty" the Pureblood line.)
Reply:Very good theory. I have thought for a long time that Petunia is a squib. That would explain her hatred and jealousy of Lily, who had magical talent. And it would explain her hatred of all things magic related. And it would explain why the girls' parents were "so proud" of Lily's magical ability.

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